slow living hygge relaxed bedroom

The Art of Slow Living

Forget that to-do list and put the kettle on – it’s time to embrace a slower way of life

The start of a new year brings with it the promise of a fresh start, new goals and the chance to have a reset. Here at NORSK, rather than setting ourselves lists of unrealistic New Year’s resolutions, we have resolved to simply embrace a slower way of living.

This concept, which is really at the heart of Scandinavian culture, is all about taking time to slow down and enjoy the little things. Hygge – the Danish word for a mood of cosiness and contentment which gained a mainstream following a few years ago – is all about slowing down. From taking the time to make and enjoy your favourite coffee to making a tasty meal or having a soak in the bath, it’s about carving out the time for yourself.

Rather than cramming our diaries full of events and appointments and being slaves to the cult of busyness, slow living is about embracing a calmer, more intentional approach to how we spend our precious time.

In this blog, we share the NORSK guide to slow living.


Start the day right

If you have to rise early to get to work or do the school run, carve out some time in the morning where you can pause and reflect on the day ahead – or even just daydream. Brewing a cup of coffee is a great time to do this. Make it a real pleasure by drinking from a favourite mug – we love the simple handmade porcelain cups by Norwegian brand sögne, as well our in-house NORSK ceramic mugs.

Taking the time to prepare a nutritious breakfast will set you up for the day. You can’t beat a simple boiled egg and soldiers, and we love brüün’s egg cube, a stack of six mini boards made from responsibly sourced and sustainably grown English Ash with room for your egg and a pinch of salt.

Even household chores can present a moment of mindfulness when you’re using Iris Hantverk's beautifully rustic brushes, handmade in beautifully natural materials, and using these tea towels by House Doctor makes drying up a much more stylish affair.

Getting outside for some fresh air each day is always a good idea. Wrap up warm and pack a Thermos and get some sky above your head!


Cosy evenings

There’s nothing like candlelight for creating a warm and cosy atmosphere, and Meraki’s and P.F. Candle’s have the most delicious scents. Taking a moment to set the table for dinner can really change the mood and elevate a simple meal to something special. These brass candle holders by House Doctor look really stylish on any table.

After dinner, curl up with a good book under a cosy woollen blanket. Swedish heritage brand Klippan make the very best, in our opinion, and have a huge range of beautiful colours and patterns.


Bedtime rituals

We all know a warm bath is the perfect way to prepare for a restful night’s sleep, and yet the vast majority of us forgo them in favour of a quick shower. If you just have half an hour for yourself a day, dedicate it to this peaceful evening ritual. Light a candle, play some relaxing music and give yourself a mini spa break with your favourite bath products. Meraki’s exfoliating body wash will leave your skin beautifully soft, ready to be slathered in their face and body lotion before lights out.

While all these ideas may not be realistic for everyday, carving out some time for yourself to appreciate the little things is a new year’s resolution we’re really on board with.

Discover more guides and stories from NORSK on our blog here.